Do what you please.

Do what you please.

Christiane O., age 79

The lady in the painting (moi) is one who has wandered on rough waters. As one of 10 daughters surfacing was a daily challenge. How could I shine above all? By wits, brilliance or mischievous? I practiced them all. I had fun.

I jumped from Catholic schools to au pair in England, to Paris along the Seine, to back to England for a spell in nursing school. Turbulent years.

From an auspicious encounter in Paris, I landed in Boston as an au pair again with the assurance that it would be a step to further education, I bought it. Fast forward . . . married with 2 daughters, my determination to further my education kicked in again. I enrolled to study at Wheaton College Massachusetts where I received a BA with honors in Anthropology. From there I pursued a master’s degree in education.

Today I am a pickleball player and an avid member of my YMCA and I do what I damn well please!!!