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Drew’s Surf & Turf

A surf and turf dish with shrimp, asparagus, and tomatoes.

From the kitchen of associate Drew H. at The Watermark at Southpark Meadows

Drew sent us one of the recipes he’s entered into a competition. He says, “This is a fun recipe and versatile recipe. You can change most items and still see a neat effect.”


  • 2 lbs flank steak (raw)
  • 16-20 ct gulf shrimp (peeled and deveined, tail on)
  • 16 oz dirty rice (premixed box of Ben's Original)      
  • 8 oz pesto
  • 16 oz marinara
  • 2 roma tomatoes
  • 1 yellow squash
  • 8 asparagus stalks (individual stalks)
  • 2 Tbsp Cajun seasoning
  • Salt and pepper, to taste


Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Have smoker on and ready at 300 degrees F.

Season your shrimp with Cajun seasoning and smoke shrimp to 145 degrees F. Pull out and let them rest. 

Cook dirty rice mix per box instructions. Let rest when done with the lid off.

Season your flank steak with salt and pepper. Sear them on both sides in a hot pan just to cook the outside briefly, then finish in the oven to desired temp (usually 145-150 degrees F). Remove from oven when done and let rest for 15 minutes. 

Thinly slice the roma tomatoes and yellow squash into into coins, and place on an oiled baking sheet. Add salt and pepper on top.

Remove the bottom portions of the asparagus, then slice the stalk in half. Place on the baking sheet with the tomatoes and squash. Bake for 10 minutes.


Place a scoop of rice on a plate, spoon marinara on top of the rice, then slice 4 oz of flank steak over the marinara.

Overlap the squash and tomatoes into a ring that covers the steak leaving the center of the ring exposed. 

Take 2 smoked shrimp and place them tails up in the center of the ringed tomato and squash mix. 

Take 2 complete stalks of asparagus and stand them up with the shrimp in the center. 

Lightly spoon pesto around the entire dish and enjoy.