Remain active and vital with a personalized fitness routine.
Healthy longevity means sustaining wellness, vitality, and strength at every stage of life. With a little sweat equity, you’ll stay stronger for longer while you energize your body (and mind) with the therapeutic benefits of a personalized fitness routine. Our wellness experts and residents-only programs are meant to help you feel and be your best. Like you, ever-changing classes and fitness plans are flexible and fun. Go at your own pace, prioritize your needs, and reap the benefits for your mind, body, and spirit.

Vitality Fitness Center
There’s never been a better time to begin a new wellness routine. With a consistent and motivating workout plan, you can go at your own rhythm with customizable workouts that may include cardio machines, a steady walk on a treadmill, or strength training on our weight machines. Again, you’re in control and you set the agenda.
No matter what a positive exercise program looks like for you, we’ve got you covered. Located in The Club, our state-of-the-art Vitality Fitness Center has something for everyone. We offer personal training to help you reach your health and wellness goals. Whether you want to maintain your current state of fitness, improve your range of motion and strength, or repair an injury, our wellness experts are here to help. If group class options are more your speed, join us for Aqua Zumba, Chair Yoga, and Walk for Life, to name a few. You can even utilize wearable fitness trackers to chart your progress and monitor your heart rate.
For optimal fitness, health, and well-being, we encourage you to thrive here at The Watermark.